01 Task
New website
Save the Children came to Holm Kommunikation and asked for help in creating awareness among the target group for a new website under the name CTRL(redbarnet.dk/ctrl). The background was that until then there was no relevant offer in Danish for young people who have sexual thoughts about children. As a result, many were led to websites with incorrect and radicalised information.
That's why Save the Children has developed CTRL, so that children and young people aged 12-21 can get anonymous counselling if they have sexual thoughts about children.
For reasons of impact and advertising purposes, the primary target group was narrowed down to 13-17 year old boys. The target group needed to be made aware that CTRL exists and that they can get early anonymous information on how best to manage their thoughts, as well as guides on where to find the most relevant professional support. The task was therefore to raise awareness of the existence of a safe space where you can start the process anonymously - without saying it 'out loud' in the first place.
02 Solution
A difficult message
As this was an incredibly tender and difficult message, Holm developed a visually driven campaign, where the most important thing was a strong CTA.
We wanted to put into words some of the many questions you might have if you are walking around with such thoughts. We did this by developing a range of content for social media, both static and video content, where we wanted to show young people that we understood how they felt.
We chose a specific photo style and found a number of stock photos that met our requirements for light and mood. From these photos we mixed the images to create a series of anonymous and unrecognisable people, as no one wanted to be the face of such a campaign. We incorporated elements from the digital world and started from the first person you would confide in if you had such thoughts: your computer. So we added three search bars on top of each person with the questions the target audience would type on Google. The questions on the personas were also directly related to the content on the website, so we made sure the target audience could get answers.